Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I love my Dad

I love my dad.

This seems like a basic, ordinary statement that a good son should say about their father.  The whole “I love my dad” phrase is so worn out these days, so it is difficult for me to explain to you that I LOVE MY DAD. 
My dad is Stuart Pederson.  To some that means nothing, but to many that has power.  The name of Stuart Pederson carries this whole ideology with it.  If you think “Stuart Pederson”, several things may come to mind: generosity, compassion, kindness, servant, prayer warrior, optimist, man of God, encourager, passionate, morally uncompromising, loving, friendly, a rock, mentor, pastor, handy-man, etc.  You get the point.  My dad has affected this world, mine and others, in a way that few men in history have.

This little article comes from two places: 1. I work in a Group Home and see the results of poor fathers 2. I live in Henderson, NE (where my family lived and my dad was a pastor from 1996-1999).  As I try to teach teenage boys discipline, pride, courage, resiliency, humility, and everything else it takes to be a man, I cannot help but look back on what my father did for me. 

He would not let me watch Scooby-Doo or SpongeBob because they were bad influences.  I was required to go to church every Sunday and give half or all of my $1 allowance to the offering.  I was not allowed to watch R-rated movies and had to look at him anytime anything less modest than a one-piece swimsuit appeared.  We had to recite “Look them in the eye, talk loudly, and pleases and thank-yous” EVERY time that we visited friends or relatives.  I did not have a gaming system or cell phone until I was 16.  I had to do chores without reimbursement.  We ate out at a restaurant maybe once or twice a month, if we were lucky.  Saturdays were “Forced Family Fun”, aka chores and work.  I was spanked when I was disobedient.  I wore hand-me-downs, thrift store, and Wal-Mart for my entire childhood.  My Christmas presents were never more than $40 in value.  I was required to eat every meal at home with the family.  I could not brag.  I could not be rude.  I would get pulled out of athletics if I did not share the ball.

My dad (and mom) did these horrible things to me…I am going to do the same to my kids.

I was walking through church on Sunday and ran into the mayor of Henderson, and I asked him how he was doing and he responded, “Better than I deserve.”  I said, “That is funny.  My dad says the same thing to that question.”  He said, “That is where I got it from.”

My family moved from Henderson 12 years ago.  This is the power and weight that comes with the name of Stuart Pederson.  The outright life-altering changes that come from even incidental contact.  Growing up, I was known as “Stuart’s son”.  It used to annoy me at first, then it just became a joke.  Of the four children, I am the most like my dad: in looks, speech, personality, quirks, awkwardness, etc.  I used to always say that I was basically my dad as a joke.  Now that is my biggest honor in life.  My heart bursts with Joy when people tell me that I talk, pray, even read the Bible like him.  I am not my dad.  I am my own unique individual for whom God has his own plans and course completely different from that of my father.  Yet, I want nothing more in life than to live as he has.  For if I can do that, I will glorify God in all, love my wife completely, raise Christ-like children, and shine the love of God to all.

I love my dad and he is not perfect.  But how great is it that we all have a Father who does not sin, does not make mistakes, will not die or lie?  I love my dad, but he is only a weak, insignificant reflection of our Heavenly Father.  John 3:16.  "For God so loved the world that He sent His Son into the world that whoever might believe in him will not perish but have everlasting life." There is no greater honor than being a child of God and hearing you talk, walk, and live like you Father.  This should be our greatest joy in life and our sole purpose.

Thank you for everything.  I have not always responded the best to Your love or adoration or discipline or guidance.  Sometimes I got so focused and stuck I could not realize that You only wanted what was best for me even though it hurt for a time.  You have always loved me.  For my entire life You have been there to protect and advise me.  You sacrificed so much pleasure, freedom, and personal gain so that I might live better.  So many times I ignored You at the least and rejected You at the most.  I was never worthy of Your gifts and patience.  Through the dark and the light times, You were there…waiting for me to come home to your arms.  I love You.
                                                                                                                                Your Child,
(I love you Stuart Pederson)