Tuesday, March 26, 2013



I used to believe I knew what this word meant.  I mean I have been a Christian almost my entire life and Christians are supposed to have a lock on community.  The Acts 2 Church was built upon the concept of sharing and "community".  Eccl. 4:9 and Gal 6:2 take of encouragement and supporting one another in case one falls.  The Bible is chalk full of references to the "community" term.  Look at Jesus and the disciples...they did everything together...they were living in great community.

But what is community?

I thought I knew.  That is until last week.  I visited my sister in Wichita and was sharing some of my frustrations with the ministries I was involved in and how I felt that I was called to take these responsibilities on by myself because no one else would...I am not sure why I expected compassion and empathy from her (if you know Rachel Cheek you understand), but the answer I got was this, "Stephen, you stink at community.  Do you ever feel superior to those that serve?".  I am in the midst of a first class wallow session and that is what she busts out.  Context: Rachel and her husband live within three blocks of four of her closest friends from college.  Every Monday, 14+ people come over to her house and she makes them gourmet food (it is called "Happy Food").  They will spend entire weekends just sitting around someone's house eating, sleeping, reading, playing games, and abiding in "community".  

It was in this context that I got my first wake up.  Fast forward one week.

I went to visit the other sister in Marian, KS who was due with her first baby.  The little stinker decided not to come while I was there but I spent a couple days with my brother who is attending Tabor College (ten minutes from Marian).  Every Monday, he and a bunch of friends lead a men only worship time on campus with music, small groups, a lesson, man hugs, and communion.  I have been before but this time was different partly due the previous weekend.  As the evening progressed, I just sat there.  My soul and body was not comprehending was going on around me.  Six different guys lead the six different parts of the service.  Silas, my brother, organized the event but did nothing during the actual service.  He was free to just sit and be ministered to by those around him.  For an hour and a half, I sat there in the basement of an old church watching this body of believers carry and support each other.  Attendees were praying with and FOR the leadership team.  There was no head guy or "pastor"...everyone was a pastor.

I sat there in spiritual confusion.  I rather painfully realized that I had no personal precedence for what I was witnessing.  Never in my life have I seen community so lived out in ministry.  I love to minister to others but that is what it is...me ministering TO others.  I have always been in charge, guiding and leading.  I was in awe.

So what is community?  What is God calling us to when He speaks of it?  What are WE meaning when we talk about?  Do we even know?  My definition of living together is scrapped.  After several confusing days, this is the best that I got:

Community is when a body of believers grow as one...body.  The head my think of ideas and encourage movement of the limbs but it is reliant upon the hands to feed it and the muscles to move it.  The feet may feel burdened by the weight of the whole body but that is when the butt shares the responsibility by sitting.  It is not an almighty pastor over a dumb congregation, it is in the words of the musketeer's "All for One and One for All".

I guess I really do not much; the last two weekends can pay atonement to that.  I am currently searching for answers, and pray that you would also be open to what God may be saying to you about how you are living and serving.  Is it solo or supported?  I have had the wrong perspective for years.  God wants us near Him...serving Him...with Him.  He is God...He does not any show-offs.  Just be.  Abide in His presence and His Community.

God Bless.

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