Thursday, June 7, 2012

This Is My Life

Hey everyone, it has been awhile since I put anything up here.  I guess I am trying to figure out life and this whole blogging thing.

I work at a Children's Home and get to act as a parent to kids with behavior problems.  Many would consider this a poor life choice: socially, physically, emotionally, and especially financially.  There are times that I do find it difficult to continually fight against everything that is thrown at me be the behavior of the kids and the general rigors of 6 days of continuous awareness.  In addition to that, I recently returned from a 10 day trip to Haiti to work at an orphanage and leave in 3 days to work at a camp for abused kids.  Due to these side trips, I do not get my full time off and thus am getting tired.  I mean, I decided to spend the next indeterminate time in my life completely abandoning all of my desires just so some kids can learn to be better people.  What about me?  What about my wants?  I am a healthy 22 year old male with a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering and I am basically wiping the boogers of behaviorally challenged kids.  I am wasting the best years of my life...right?  I should be out finding my soulmate or building my portfolio or traveling the world...right?  Isn't that what I deserve?

How about about the fact that I get to wake up every morning and give every ounce of my energy to glorify my Heavenly Father and use my creativity, my health, my financial security, my education, and my passion to show neglected kids how to live to their full potential.  How about the fact that God, the Creator of the Universe...THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE...has chosen to use me...ME, A HUMAN WHO'S SHORT LIFE CAN END IN THE MOST INSIGNIFICANT OF change the world.  I get give everything that I own and possess to make sure that kids in Haiti, the children's home, and the camp can live life knowing that there is something more for them in life beyond the pain, the harsh words, the mistakes, the loneliness.  There is a God that has planned out an incredible life here on Earth but also an eternal existence with Him in Paradise.

HOW LUCKY AM I?  I get to have an impact with eternal significance everyday.  How long is your significance going to last?  What is that work bonus going to affect?  How about the string of one-night stands?  Is the rev of your sport's cars engine going to change anything besides the noise pollution in the immediate vicinity?  I am sure that they promotion and "Getting Mine" will make life much fuller and meaningful.

How luck are we that the Almighty Ruler of the Universe cares for us to look down upon us and call us His Children...HIS CHILDREN.  We do not deserve that yet we got it yet we choose to act like it did not happen.  Stupid humans.  I want to challenge you to look at your life with a new perspective: "Is what I am doing going to make an eternal difference?  Does this really matter?"  God has so much to offer if we just answer...pick up the phone.


1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful, Stephen; thanks for the reminder. See you Sunday!
