Friday, January 11, 2013


KISS is a math term that I learned early on.  It stands for Keep It Simple Stupid.  There purpose of the anagram is to remind the struggling mathematician that often complex problems can be solved with the simple application of basic mathematical methods.  Calculus III problems came down to Algebra and Geometry (just with more steps).


I have also heard it used in other contexts.  We as humans like to over complicate life.  I am not sure if it is out of a desire for the grandeur or some need to show great intelligence through complex theories and processes.  Big problems should have big answers...right?  It just makes sense....doesn't it?

While it is not Biblical by any means (the author was an aethist), "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" offers one of my favorite examples of this phenomenon.

This highly advanced race of aliens created an enormous computer for the sole purpose of answering one question: THE Answer, the answer to life, the universe, and everything.  They ask the computer this question, and the computer says that it will take awhile to calculate so they should back in 7 million years for THE Answer.  The aliens were not very happen but they did have much of a choice so they waited.  When the great day of THE Answer came, the whole planet was in a buzz.  They were all ready to know the answer to life, the universe, and everything (they had been patiently waiting for 7 million years).  The computer woke up from its extended calculating session and reported that it had successfully calculated THE Answer.  The computer said, "THE Answer, the answer to life, the universe, and everything is...42."

Sometimes the answers to life's problems are simpler than we can imagine or even comprehend.

Jesus (the ultimate computer) gave us a similar answer.  Man asks, "What is the answer to my life plan, my family, my health, my wealth, my success, my comfort, my service, my faith, the future, life, the universe, and everything?"

Jesus responds, "You are not alone, because the Father is with you."

Keep It Simple Stupid.

"yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me."     - John 16:32b

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