Sunday, August 18, 2013

Going Straight Biblical

The 55th chapter of Isaiah has always been one of my favorite sections in the Bible because of its variety.  However, recently it gained a whole to new level of depth and meaning and importance.  Let's see if I can break down just how awesome this chapter is.  I recommend having a printed or digital copy of the Bible open while you read this.

(Warning: Explanations are not be chronological)

Vs 8-9 have been one of the foundation stones for my spiritual life for quite awhile.  Why not?  God is telling us (paraphrased) that we are dumb and He is smart, we know nothing and He has the game plan, we are mortal and He is infinite, we are nothing and He is God and thus...we should trust Him.  I love to make plans for my life (very spiritual and God pleasing plans mind you) that I believe to be a good course of action.  You would think after the first fifteen times that I presented my life script to God and He briefly scanned it, laughed, and asked me why I was trying to write a sketch comedy, that I would figure it out that He knows better than I.  I know you would not trust a three year old to set up your annual budget (otherwise you would end up with large investments in gummy bears and the proud owner of a unicorn ranch...which would actually be pretty cool) so why would you trust YOURSELF to set up your entire life...go to the expert.  Vs 10-11 continues the theme to remind us that God's Word accomplishes EXACTLY what it is supposed to, nothing more nothing less.  The snow and the rain nourish and grow the earth, God does the same for us. Look to Him especially when it makes no bloody sense according to our man (or woman) logic.

Vs 12 might be one of my favorite happy verses in the Bible.  So we are going out in joy and being led by peace strolling through the countryside with all birds chirping on this wonderful day, you know one of the those days that could only be made better if...wait "THE MOUNTAINS AND THE HILLS WILL BREAK FORTH IN TO SHOUTS OF JOY BEFORE YOU AND ALL THE TREES OF THE FIELD WILL CLAP THEIR HANDS." How awesome is that!  It always reminds me of the 1940's Disney shorts where the character is strolling along to cheerful whistle music and all this stuff happens.  How can there be anything wrong in the world when you have the mountains singing and the trees clapping (Boom...clapping to music while praising is Biblical...the trees say so).  Life is a joy.  Life is a blessing.  You exist in God's love...that right there is enough.  Nothing else matters.  When you feel low remember that Pikes Peak is swaying back and forth belting out a Southern Gospel hymn while the Redwoods are using their limbs to throw down a mean syncopation because...their God reigns and He is glorious and worth getting excited about.  Repeat: OUR GOD IS WORTH GETTING EXCITED ABOUT.  Focus on the blessings.  Life is amazing.

We spend our money on really dumb stuff.  Why do I have three toaster ovens?  Do I need a fully body massager for my dog?  What is the point of owning thirty-seven t-shirts?  Answer: Cause you problems; Heck no;  There is not one.  Vs 1-2 is a cry to not waste our time or resources.  We spend money on stuff that does not matter.  How is your 401k going to treat you in heaven?  Guess where your vintage dress collection goes when you die?  Goodwill.  The earth is temporary.  Jesus wants us to "Listen carefully to Me and eat what is good and delight yourself in abundance."  People always talk about those missionaries that go into dangerous places or people who pray four hours a day or believers that give away 90% of their income...and call them "radical" or "crazy" or "unbalanced".  Would you rather spend an extra hour on a school or work project that will be forgotten by next year or spend that hour building up your treasure in heaven for the REST OF ETERNITY?  I read a story in "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan about their where at his daughter's play and he asked his mother-in-law if she was enjoying the play and she responded, "I would rather not be here."  When he asked why, she said, "I just don't know if this is where I would want to be if Jesus came back.  I could be ministering to the poor, preaching to strangers, or in my room praying."  Our first reaction might be something along the lines of "Crazy old bat", "She has nothing better to do with her life", or "She is too spiritual".  Maybe you should read verse two again.

6 and 7 brings us back down to earth, again.  Repent.  We are all dirty sinners.  Period.  Finito.  We all have issues and problems.  We are all broken.  We are dirt.  We are worthless.  It is easy to get on our high horse and compare our righteousness to that person down the street.  You are haven't raped anyone...congratulations.  Good work on not murdering anyone.  Do you want a gold star?  The problem is the comparison reference point.  Jesus, never sinned perfect Son of God who died on the the cross and conquered death for the salvation of every man, women, and child that ever lived and would live, the righteous are you now?  How is that self-worth and sense of entitlement doing?  You deserve nothing.  But God says, "Seek the upon Him...and let him return to the Lord, and He will have compassion on him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon."  We are redeemed and set free.  We are given worth by that perfect being that died on the cross.  Live in appreciation.

This last section is the new one.  I have read it before but current life circumstance have made it...well...real.  Vs 5 freaks me out and makes me uncomfortable.  Here is why:  "Behold, you will call a nation you DO NOT KNOW, and a nation WHICH KNOWS YOU NOT will run to you, BECAUSE of the Lord your God...for He HAS GLORIFIED YOU."  Usually change occurs through hard work, connections, investing time, planning, outreach, and other generally tangible methods...usually that is how life works.  That just got thrown out the stinking window.  God is going to bring entire nations TO us that we have never met us for what?  To preach the gospel and glorify His name.  Imagine walking outside your door to get the paper and an entire African tribe is sitting their, 300 strong, waiting for you to tell them about Jesus.  Intimidating right?  You ask why are they here and they respond, "God told us to come to you."  BOOM.  All self-accomplishment out the window...AGAIN.  GOD, THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE AND MASTER OF EVERY ATOM HERE, NOW AND FOREVER, HAS GLORIFIED YOU, THE KNOW THE KNOW NOTHING MORTAL THAT CANNOT TIE THEIR SHOES WITHOUT AN INSTRUCTION MANUAL, SO THAT PEOPLE THAT HAVE NEVER HEARD OF YOU AND YOU HAVE NEVER HEARD OF THEM WILL COME TO YOUR DOORSTEP LOOKING FOR THE LIFE GIVING WATER OF THE LOVE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.  Are you getting the scope?  That kind of pressure and responsibility and lack of control is well...unearthly.  God is using us to reach the lost, heal the broken, and save the sinners.  We are not equipped or qualified but He "glorifies" us to make it work.  I am intimidated by the nations that I do not know but understand to be coming down the pipes.  Just be willing to show up and rely on Him.  You have the opportunity effect eternity with how you interact with strangers everyday that God has brought into your life...and there are no coincidences.  God plans all

I have no answers, just a passion to see the world on its knees before my God.

God Bless

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