Friday, October 4, 2013

Where the Women At?

There is a shocking shortage of 20-something women that on are on the roads at the same time that I commute to work and back.

Nothing.  Nada.  Zipporino.

Now this may not seem like a valid concern or even something worth taking notice of but for me it is for many reasons:

1. I am a male.  Being of such gender, I notice that all prospective mates of appropriate age in any situation that I may find myself in.  It is not something that I or any person of the XY model always does on purpose.  It is sort of like how radar picks up the presence any moving object within a certain perimeter...only my objects are women between the ages of 20 and 25 and with a pulse...and it is always working.

2.  I would like to someday get married.  This fact goes beyond the basic ability to detect and identifying possible matches and narrows it to the fact that to usually marry a must meet a women (and no I do not realistically expect to meet my future wife by passing her on the freeway...I am not that dumb...but it could happen and thus reason #1).

3.  It sums up the last month and a half of my life (see explanation below).

We all have expectations for life.  No matter how hard we try or strive to not make plans, we end up making a plan in the process.  Humans naturally like to know what is going to happen, what should happen.  Our lives contain an infinite amount of possibilities for how every single second of our lives could turn out...think about.  At this moment, as you read this, anything could happen.  There is nothing from stopping an elephant breaking free of the local zoo, picking up a bouquet of flowers, and delivering them to you right this instant through the new elephant sized sun light in your house.  Anything could happen...there are no limitations, sure some may say stuff about laws, social etiquette, physics, jail, and other restrictions that determine what we can and cannot experience in our lives.  I am currently writing this piece from my desk at work during my lunch.  Warren Buffet could walk into the office and tell me that he just bought the company and inform me that I am fired because he needs my cubicle for his ferret bungalow.  That could probably will not, but it could.  Reports of miracles from the news and the Bible give us knowledge that anything is possible despite the supposed restraints.  When there is an infinite God with infinite knowledge in charge of the universe, possibilities are infinite.  THERE ARE NO LIMITS TO WHAT CAN HAPPEN IN YOUR "EXPECTED" 74 YEARS OF AVERAGE LIFE.

                                                                  ...but with such unlimited possibilities, we still find expectations.

If my expectations came true I would be currently resting up for my game as a professional football player in my Make Tony Stark Jealous engineering lab where I make the world’s coolest products and with my pregnant Christian model wife…but obviously things do not always go the way we hope.  For me it turned out better than my feeble imagination could conjure.

I wonder if that is how Gideon felt as his defending force was cut from 32,000 to 300 (not exactly up to expectations)…and then he conquered an army of 120,000 (way better than expectations).

How about when Samuel was told to anoint the next king of Israel and finds himself face to face with the strapping first born of Jesse…and God said, “Next.”…seven times until he got to the baby of the family (that is not what he expected)…who became one of the most acclaimed men and kings to ever live (that is not what he expected).

I am in a place that God is bringing me to places beyond my comprehension by taking me places beyond my comprehension.  

I am loving life in a new state, a new city, a new apartment, and a new job.  I am in a place I have never been before and often find myself completely clueless…that is not any easy place for me to be.  I have always prided myself on having answers or a direction or at least something to make up.  God knew that too and has brought me to this place so that I do not know where I am going to end up, but I suppose that that is fun part.

Infinite possibilities with an infinite God…enjoy the ride.  You will probably end up in a place you never expected.

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